Friday, June 1, 2012


It is June 1st. But when I went out to chore this morning the thermometer said 40 DEGREES! THAT IS 8 DEGREES ABOVE FREEZING! How crazy is that?!? The sun is out so maybe it will warm up a bit.

This week end needs to find me out in the garden weeding! I am sure this rain & sun are going to make the weeds spring up like crazy! We are having a wonderful garden salad for lunch today! It is so nice to be able to grow your own food! Makes you feel a bit self reliant!

Yesterdays rainy day left me getting plenty done-laundry, knitting, pictures, roast in oven-YUMMY! Having the oven on warmed the house nicely! Oh the smell! Love the smell of a roast cooking!

Acts 20:32 Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all thoses who are sanctified.

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